Who’s Who

  • Fr Stephen Edmonds

    Fr Stephen Edmonds Vicar

    The Rev'd Dr Stephen Edmonds was born and raised in South London. He studied in Canterbury and London. Formerly a Methodist, he trained for the priesthood in Cambridge, He was ordained in 2015, and served as Assistant Curate at St Bartholomew, Sydenham. He also serves as a trustee of The Prayer Book Society. He and his wife moved to Wimbledon in September 2019 when he was appointed as Team Vicar of St John's.
  • Sally Carter-Esdale


    Sally was brought up in Merton, studied at Exeter University and was licensed as a Reader in 1990. She has taught Theology and History in local secondary schools for over 20 years and now combines school duties with tutoring medical students at St George’s University Hospital. Sally and husband Charles have been Readers in the Wimbledon Team since 1993 and have four adult children.
  • Peter Haddock

    Peter Haddock Reader

    Peter originates from Islington. His background is as a Civil Servant, but he now works for the Bishop of Southwark. He was previously licensed to the Morden Team Ministry. Peter is also a member of the Chapter of Southwark Cathedral
  • Michael Vernell

    Michael Vernell Warden

    Mike was born and brought up in Rome although he was educated in the UK. He has spent all his adult life (postings abroad excepted) in Wimbledon and worked as a solicitor in the City until he retired.
  • Catherine Cooke - Warden

    Catherine Cooke Warden

    Catherine was born and brought up in Essex, but moved to Wimbledon some 40 years ago. She studied in London and is a retired librarian, having worked for Westminster Libraries for 43 years, initially in adult lending and reference, then developing and managing the library computer systems for 35 years.
  • Robert Mingay-Smith

    Director of Music

    Robert is Director of Music at St John’s. He began his musical career at the age of 16 as Director of Music at St Peter’s Church in Brandon, Suffolk., before he went on to study at Trinity College of Music, London. Robert is also Director of Music at St Mary-at-Hill Church, London, a post he has held since 2007. 
  • Julia Popham

    Julia Popham Safeguarding Officer

    Julia has been a long member of St Johns Church along with her husband Nigel.
  • Rachel Rowell - Administrator

    Rachel Rowell Administrator

    Rachel is responsible for the general day to day running of St Johns. She is a member of the local community and is married with three children who went to Bishop Gilpin. Rachel enjoys running in her spare time to keep up with the children!”

Service times


8:15am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:15am Sung Eucharist
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