Holy Saturday – Choir of the 21st Century

Date: April 20, 2019
Time: 7.30pm
Location: St John's Church

Wimbledon conductor Max Barley, will perform one of J.S. Bach’s choral masterpieces, St John Passion, alongside distinguished soloists and players, as part of Wimbledon’s marking of Passiontide. Evangelist – Nicholas Mulroy, Jesus – James Newby, Pilate – Alex Ashworth, Soprano – Colette Boushell – Alto – Robin Blaze. Leader – Alison Bury.

Tickets £24/16 (plus small booking fee) can be bought here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bachs-st-john-passion-tickets-55758480115

They may also be available on the door, but better to buy them in advance, as the concert is likely to sell out.”

Service times


8:15am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:15am Sung Eucharist
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