Trio Martinů

Date: November 20, 2018
Time: 7:45pm
Location: St John's, Wimbledon

The Music of Exile – Bohuslav Martinů

*Pre-concert screening 6.30pm
‘The Music of Exile’
The Life and Music of Bohuslav Martinů
A Film by Anthony Wilkinson
Narration written by Anthony Burgess

Trio Martinů

Petr Jirikovský pianoJaroslav Matějka cello,
Pavel Šafarik violin with Malcolm Messiter oboe

Suk Elegy
Martinů Oboe Quartet
Martinů Piano Trio No.3
Dvořák Trio in F minor

Acclaimed international visitors from Prague,
following 2 sell-out concerts at Cambridge Summer Festival.

Purchase tickets

Service times


8:15am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:15am Sung Eucharist
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