Music & Choirs

Music & Choirs

Music is an integral part of life at St John’s, not only in our worship, but also within the wider community with many recitals and other musical events taking place throughout the year.

If you would like to be kept up to date or are interested in joining our choir, please contact Robert our Director of Music.

A note from one of our choral scholars…

“As many choral scholarships in London are characterised by high pressure Sunday mornings and a rather impersonal feel, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when I arrived for my first week of singing at St John’s. My worries couldn’t have been more misplaced. I felt instantly welcomed and over the course of the year I have been struck by the immense sense of teamwork within the choir, and the really astonishing scope of repertoire they cover under the leadership of Rob. Despite many members of the choir being untrained, I am constantly impressed by the skill and musicianship of its members.

This is largely possible because the choir rehearses on Friday evenings as well as Sunday mornings, which not only keeps us well prepared for every service, but allows the choir to explore repertoire for other occasions, such as the workshops and concerts which happen regularly at St John’s.
It is rare to find a choir with such heartfelt commitment and community, and I feel privileged to be a part of it.”
by Rosalind Dobson

Service times


8:15am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:15am Sung Eucharist
Next Choral Evensong: