Regular Services

Regular Services


8:30am Said Communion (BCP)

10:15am Sung Eucharist

The Sunday school at St John’s is known as JJ’s and all children are welcome to attend while their parents attend the main service.

JJ’s is a growing part of St John’s and is integral to the life and worship of the church. Current ages range from 3-14, but parents who would like to join in with younger children or babies are very welcome.

There are prayers, a bible story, or biblical theme with discussions, craft activities and games.  It is a chance to meet other children in a relaxed and friendly environment where they can find out more about God and have some fun.

Second Sunday of the month

10:15am All Welcome Service in which the children participate with readings, prayers, songs and family focused talk.


Service times


8:15am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:15am Sung Eucharist
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